Richard IV is back! And he’s more conciliatory than ever! A bunch of theater kids are doin’ a casual read of my newest verse script this coming Sunday.
Ambassador of Spain: Chris Sylvie
Ambassador of Rome: Jennifer Bradley
Ambassador of England: Huy Nguyen
King James: Joshua Carroll
Sir John Ramsay, his Steward: Rebecca Janvrin
Margaret, Duchess of Burgundy: Liz Bagby
Sir George Neville: Hannah Mary Simpson
Catherine Gordon, called the Queen of England: Christie Coran
Richard, called the King of England: Nathan Ducker
Jane: Ally Cross
Bucko, her mate: Katherine Quin
Fangerman, her mate: Caleb Walker
Sir Robert Clifford: Rebecca Janvrin
Don Pedro: Christopher Elst
King Henry VII: Huy Nguyen
His Steward: Katherine Quin
His Astrologer: Joshua Carroll