Twelfth Night on Twelfth Night!

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Unrehearsed Shakespeare is launching its third full season with our third Twelfth Night on Twelfth Night.

Mrs. Murphy & Sons Irish Bistro
January 5th (Twelfth Night) @ 7:30
January 12th (The twelfth night of January) @ 7:30

We’re kicking off our third full season with a couple new kicks:
#1: We’re finally cutting our shows! We’ve trimmed 15% of the script for the fastest Twelfth Night ever!
#2: We recast Twelfth Night every year, but with only a few actors to choose from, our casting gets more creative every year!

TWELFTH NIGHT: After surviving the shipwreck that took her twin brother, Viola washes up on the strange island of Illyria. She’s thrown into a court awash in romantic intrigue and mischievous festival. Featuring perennial favorites like Sir Toby Belch and Malvolio, as well as gems like Duke Orsino and Countess Olivia, Twelfth Night remains one of the best, if not the greatest, of Shakespeare’s comedies.

In the meantime, enjoy some blasts from the past.

Theater Stuff, Unrehearsed Shakespeare

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